Welcome to Manchester South

Welcome to Manchester South branch on Interact. We are a well-established regional property networking group with members including clients, contractors and property professionals. We meet at least four times a year with guests to make introductions and share knowledge and opportunities. For more information, please contact the current Branch Chair, details below.

Branch Chair

Chris Munro

Manchester South Members

Chris Birch

Hilson Moran


Chris Munro

Bell Munro Consulting Ltd

Chris Podmore

DEP landscape architecture



Emma Williams

Morgan Sindall Construction

Giles Burton

Shepherd Gilmour (Leeds)

James Valentine

Spring & Co

John Ashall

Spring & Company

John Roberts

AFL architects

Justin Cove

Hive Land and Planning

Nick Lee

NJL Consulting LLP

Oliver Cavaliere

Oltec Group

Paul Boyfield

Lexington Communications

Paul McGarry

PFM Management Solutions Ltd

Managing Director

Paul Moulding


Phil Taylor

Shelby Group Ltd

Ruth Lowe

Vita Group

Sean Langton

Building Services Design

Simon Hewitt

First Title

Tahreen Shad

Lovell Partnerships